How to Make a Good 5 Minute Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

How to Make a Good 5 Minute Powerpoint Presentation

25 Powerpoint Presentation Ideas to Level-Upwardly Your Side by side Talk

Ninety per centum of the anxiety people feel before giving a presentation comes from non feeling prepared.

Adding a PowerPoint presentation to your talk and spending the time to create and practice it can increment your conviction and help get your bulletin beyond to your audition.

Well-designed PowerPoint presentations give life to your talk by adding a visual aspect that people can connect with. The printed word, photos, visuals, graphs, icons, and more reinforce what you are saying.

Both you and your audition want your PowerPoint presentation to exist engaging, to the betoken, and effective. Here are 25 PowerPoint presentation tips to assist you lot brand your next presentation your best one.


ane. Plan Ahead

Planning alee gives you the time you need to look for quality photos, create infographics that simplify whatever information y'all are presenting, and determine on the all-time colors, fonts, and themes that volition connect with your audience.

Begin planning your PowerPoint presentation ideas as you lot are planning your talk.

Withal, practice non create your slides until after your talk is fine-tuned and prepare.

Instead, jot down ideas of visuals, stories, videos, and demonstrations yous may want to include in your presentation.

Your presentation slides will come together as y'all formulate your talk. The ideas volition come to you as y'all keep your slide presentation in the back of your mind.

Once your talk is written and revised and you lot are happy with information technology, create your slides to complement and help accomplish the goal of your talk.

2. Cull a Consequent Theme

Using a consistent theme for each of your slides creates continuity throughout your entire presentation for the audience and makes your bulletin more memorable.

That means using the same color scheme, fonts, formatting, icons, logos, and types of images and backgrounds throughout your presentation.

While information technology'south important to stay consistent, y'all exercise however, nonetheless, want to alternating slide layouts to foreclose your audition from predicting exactly what's side by side and possibly tuning out your presentation.

This creates a polished wait to your creative presentation and makes information technology easier for your audition to focus on the content instead of existence distracted past slides that don't seem to relate to each other.

A quick and easy manner to create a consistent theme for your presentation is to use Powerpoint templates.

PowerPoint has dozens of presentation templates you tin choose from within the app. You can also access many more templates online for a fee.

PowerPoint presentation templates include colors, fonts, layouts, background styles, effects, and sometimes content that let yous brainstorm creating your slides immediately. Or, you can starting time with a bare slide and create your own theme.

three. Utilise Bullet Points

When you utilize bullet points on your slides, information technology lets your audience visualize cardinal points from your verbal presentation. Information technology as well gives you speaking cues, in case you lose your railroad train of thought.

Bullet points should exist brusque and piece of cake to scan. Every bit a general rule, continue your bullets to four per slide and eight words per bullet point.

This volition keep your audience engaged with you and what you are saying instead of reading your slides and tuning you out.

Your talk is the main event, and your PowerPoint presentation is there to complement what you lot are saying. Your slides shouldn't practise the talking for you.

Use bullet points to list the primary points and highlight important information that you lot want your audience to remember.

iv. Choose Easy to Read Text

Employ text that is pleasant to look at and easy for your audience to read when you are giving your presentation. Font styles such as Arial, Times New Roman, or Helvetica are elementary and easy to read.

If you want to use fancier text, save it for larger headlines in your presentation. And recall to be consequent across your slides.

Make your font big plenty to be read hands in a big room. A font size of 30-point or higher is optimal.

Avert backgrounds and fonts that are complementary colors. For example, red and green are complementary colors, so red font on a green groundwork would be very hard on the eyes.

Dark text on a lite groundwork, or vice versa, has the best visibility.

Play around with assuming, underline, italics, and colors for added emphasis on keywords or phrases. Use these features strategically — instead of overusing them — to aid your audience focus on what you desire them to gain from your presentation.

5. Keep It Uncomplicated

Avert "busy" slides. There is no demand to accept fancy borders or as well many images, gifs, or animations in your PowerPoint presentation. Too much to watch on one slide can exist distracting.

Limit yourself to what is about essential for the audience to understand your bulletin.

As a general rule of thumb, try to include just one idea per slide. This will likely hateful yous'll have more slides, just it volition assist your audience follow along and increment their agreement.

One feature that PowerPoint presentations offer is transitions, such as fading out of one slide and into the side by side or moving words across the slide. The rule of thumb here is simple transitions are the best. This keeps the focus on your talk and not on your PowerPoint presentation.

Consider making some slides just a photo with no text at all. One discussion or phrase on a slide can make it stand out so your audience knows it is of import.

When using infographics, keep words to a minimum and verbally explain the graphic. Use numbers, percentages, icons, or small phrases to label each function of your infographic instead of sentences.

half-dozen. Add Inspiring Quotes

inspirational quote

Use an inspirational quote related to your bulletin when you lot desire the audience to remember a key betoken.

Quoting a phrase spoken by a respected or influential person can lend credibility and familiarity to your message.

Inspirational quotes also assist set the mood and tone of your presentation. They tin provide encouragement, calm fretfulness, add humor, and give your audition ideas they can utilise to make improvements.

Since quotes are usually short, they are piece of cake to call back. Use them to aid your audition have action or drive home the chief message of your presentation.

7. Personalize Your Presentation Slides

One of the most important elements of writing a good talk is to know your audition. The aforementioned principle applies to crying your PowerPoint presentation.

To aid y'all craft a creative presentation, choose images, colors, themes, and so on that would appeal to your audience and avoid anything that would trigger the opposite effect.

This requires researching your audience. Become to know what is of import to them and what their background is. Knowing age, gender, educational condition, career option are helpful. What experiences accept they had that are related to your presentation?

Personalize your PowerPoint presentation to the expectations and tastes of your audience.

In the same regard, add your personality to the presentation equally appropriate. Sharing personal experiences helps the audience connect with you and build trust — and therefore connect with your message

8. Browse PowerPoint Templates and Themes

Some PowerPoint templates focus on a specific industry, topic, or theme. Search the web for some examples of PowerPoint ideas in your field and scan the choices and templates available to encounter if one will resonate best with your audience.

Within the PowerPoint app, y'all can search for keywords, such as instruction, business, sports, travel, healthcare, medical, history, and many other topics related to your talk. Utilize these presentation templates to your advantage to create well-baked, clean, engaging slides.

Along with PowerPoint ideas and templates, you tin also access ready-made themes. These consist of a background and complementary fonts and graphics.

As you are searching for a presentation template, scan PowerPoint's charts, diagrams, and infographics available through the app. These are contained within sure presentation templates to give you lot customizable layouts for charts, tables, timelines, and more that y'all can apply to brand your data come alive.

9. Consider PowerPoint Alternatives

If you don't have PowerPoint, you don't have to worry. Unless y'all already have Microsoft Office, you volition have to pay to become PowerPoint; but you accept alternatives. Yous fifty-fifty have free options that can aid yous make great presentations.

Canva is a photo editing tool that makes professional-looking presentations. Its free version includes plenty of fonts and filters to hands create powerful, engaging, custom presentations. Canva gives yous admission to hundreds of pattern templates and gives y'all the ability to customize your presentations to your exact specifications.

Google Slides is another free PowerPoint alternative. It offers many of the same features every bit PowerPoint, including templates, transitions, animations, and inserting images, videos, and documents. It is also compatible with PowerPoint if you desire to create in Google Slides only nowadays or share using PowerPoint.

Prezi is another powerful presentation option that has a free version. Try its templates or start from a blank slate. One of its unique features is the ability to record videos, create designs, and brand infographics with the Prezi online editor.


ten. Offer Quality Over Quantity

Don't waste your audition'due south fourth dimension with fluff and nonsense. Utilise your slides for quality data and only use them to enhance your presentation.

Less is more than. The more words and fluff on a slide, the more than chances your audience volition have to tune out. Y'all don't want that.

Limit your slides to the about important points of your talk and slides that will help bring clarity to what you are proverb.

11. Fade In and Out of Your Slides

When the content on your slide is not important to what you are proverb, fade to black. This helps your audience focus their attention on you and non become lost in your slides.

Information technology helps to think that your talk is the indicate, not your slides.

One of the PowerPoint presentation ideas to consider is to employ a slide to introduce a topic, then fade out while you are elaborating on it.

It is best to choose a presentation remote that has a blackness screen button. Not all remotes exercise. This characteristic lets yous fade to a blackness screen with the uncomplicated click of a button so the transition is polish, clean, and not distracting.

12. Engage Instead of Read

Stay engaged with your audience by resisting the temptation to read from your slide. Practicing your PowerPoint presentation in advance will make this easy.

Your presentation should aid to supplement what you lot have to say and provide emphasis on your key points.

Elaborate on the information in your slides instead of reading them word for word. Keeping your bullet points brusk will aid ensure you engage instead of read.

With each bullet point or main thought, you tin can elaborate by telling an interesting story, giving an example, telling a joke, or doing a sit-in.

Even if you have an inspirational quote, memorize the quote and so that you are maintaining heart contact with your audience instead of gazing at your slide. This will assist the audience connect with your and your message even more.

xiii. Evidence One Bullet Signal at a Time

I of the most constructive PowerPoint presentation ideas is to reveal one bullet indicate at a fourth dimension to your audience.

This helps your audience stay on rail with your talk and not read alee, become lost, or miss a indicate.

To be able to do this, learn how to use the software and your remote so you can smoothly advance from one bullet point to the next.

As you set up your PowerPoint slides, you will access the Custom Animation feature then chose an Entrance Outcome. Then, when you are presenting, you lot will be able to testify i bullet signal at a time to match with what you are currently talking most.

14. Bring Your Ain Hardware

It is all-time practice to bring your own laptop or device that you desire to use to requite your presentation. That manner you are familiar with it and you will non run the risk of having compatible hardware at your venue.

But brand certain yous accept prepared how to connect your device to the AV equipment at the identify you volition be giving your talk. For instance, do you demand a USB or RBG cablevision, iPhone dongle, or other hardware to present your slides? If so, bring information technology along.

Also, have a backup of your presentation just in case something goes wrong at the last infinitesimal with your hardware. Put your backup on a USB flash drive, transport information technology to yourself past e-mail, use Dropbox or Google Drive, or add together it equally a file on your phone.

Ask ahead of time what equipment will exist available at the venue. This helps you know what to expect while also bringing your device and fill-in of your presentation in example they are needed. Grooming helps at-home your fretfulness and ensure your presentation goes on without a hitch.

15. Invest In a Remote Control

Chances are you lot will not take a tech crew, then you'll need to advance your slides on your own.

Invest in a remote control so you can be away from your device to command your PowerPoint presentation. This helps the audition focus on y'all and engage with you instead of watching yous from behind your device.

It is essential to learn your remote, past practicing with information technology oft ahead of time. Memorize past touch where the buttons are so you are not constantly looking at it, which is distracting to the audience.

Choose a remote that is uniform with Windows PCs if yous are using PowerPoint instead of an culling. Consider using a PowerPoint remote app that yous can download onto your iPhone or Android phone if this is more convenient for you.

Wireless remotes are best since they permit you the freedom to move around the stage and appoint with the audience.

Using a remote with a laser will allow y'all to point to specific parts of your slides. Ruddy is a common laser color, while blue, and violet are also options. Green is the most powerful color and may be best for large presentation venues. Exist sure non to inadvertently point the laser at a person equally information technology may crusade harm to the optics.

16. Inquire a Question

Asking a question during your talk engages your audience so they are actively thinking and involved in what you are presenting.

Use questions at strategic points in your presentation to capture their attending and describe them into your talk.

Devote a slide to write out a question, and and so suspension to give the audition fourth dimension to think well-nigh information technology. You lot may want them to proceed the answer to themselves or ask for volunteers to share theirs out loud and promote discussion.

A successful public speaking strategy is to make a assuming statement and then ask a question. For example, you may state that "About people are non aware of the five causes of climatic change," and then ask, "Are you one of these people?"

Instead of starting out with a listing of causes, posing this question kickoff gives the audience an opportunity to recollect virtually the topic. They volition probable be more interested in what yous have to say next and be able to personalize your bulletin to themselves.

17. Choose the All-time Images

The homo brain can process images 60,000 times faster than information technology processes written text. Adding images to your slides is one of the nearly effective PowerPoint presentation ideas.

Only make sure your images are high quality. They must be in focus, high resolution, and pleasant to look at.

You tin admission many loftier-quality images online that are costless to use. Many PowerPoint templates as well include photos related to the theme of the presentation.

Cull photographs, illustrations, or graphics that are both pleasing to the eye and on topic. A random photo of a cute kitten has stupor value, but if it is off-topic it will draw your audience away from your message. You desire your audience to remember your message, not an unrelated slide.

One PowerPoint presentation idea y'all can try is to fill your slide with an image, then add together short bullet points over it. If you do, make sure your text font is easily visible on top of the image.

18. Appoint With Video

Most people retain data better when they watch a video over reading text.

In fact, 94% of marketers say video helps people understand their production or service better. And 87% say it increases their render on investment.

PowerPoint and other slide presentation alternatives let you to add video to brand a more than creative presentation.

Proceed your video short to go far more engaging. It is best to communicate your idea in a video that ranges from less than a infinitesimal to no more than three minutes.

Add a video to your PowerPoint presentation from YouTube, by pasting in an embed code from another site, or uploading a video from your computer.

Yous can likewise add a screen recording when you want to demonstrate something to your audience. Add an animated gif as an alternative to a stationary photograph.

For all-time accessibility, an important PowerPoint presentation idea is to add captions to your video. Y'all tin can do this directly in PowerPoint by using the Video Tools Playback feature.

19. Telephone call On Your Leadership Skills

The purpose of your talk is to improve the lives of your audience in some mode. You volition either want to motivate, inspire, inform, persuade, or entertain them.

The aforementioned qualities that make you lot a good leader make you a dynamic public speaker.

Become familiar with these skills and develop them. Some of the top qualities of good leaders in my experience are vision, courage, integrity, humility, focus, and clear advice.

As you create, exercise, and present your talk and your PowerPoint presentation, use these leadership skills to accept a positive effect on your audience and reach the goal of your talk.

20. Brand Your PowerPoint Presentation Actionable

Provide something at the end of your presentation that your audience tin can do immediately to accept action.

This is the exclamation indicate at the end of your talk. It is where you wrap everything up and bring everything together.

Ending your presentation with a thank you slide may go out some audience members wondering what to do next.

Instead, tell them directly.

What tin can your audience do when they walk out of the room to put what they learned into activity? In other words, what was the goal of your talk?

To assistance you arts and crafts your call to action, put yourself in the shoes of your audience and enquire, "What'due south in it for me?"

Make your call to action clear, specific, and easy to follow. Write information technology on a slide so the audience can both come across and hear it.

21. Develop Excellent Virtual Presentation Skills

benefits of virtual presentations

Virtual talks are increasingly popular and even necessary in many circumstances now.

The benefits of giving a virtual presentation include convenience, you lot can achieve a wider audition, it is often more cost-effective than in-person presentations, and the audition readily has handouts, links, resources for taking action.

It is likely yous will give a PowerPoint presentation virtually. Ready yourself to give an effective presentation past preparing and practicing ahead of fourth dimension.

Become used to talking into the camera instead of looking at your screen. That way, the viewers perceive that you lot are making eye contact with them, which is of import.

Enquire someone to help you with the technical aspects of the presentation if you can. They can make you lot aware of questions and solve any bug that come up upwards so y'all can concentrate on engaging with the audience.

22. Harness the Power of Infographics

Infographics simplify complex topics. A listing of statistics may seem dry, but when put into an infographic, your audience is able to visualize the concept more than hands.

Infographics likewise provide a visual representation of what yous are explaining. They assistance yous make a creative presentation that benefits your audience.

Create infographics past using those contained in PowerPoint templates or using Canva, Google Slides, Piktochart,, and or other infographic tools.

23. Look at Your Audience

As I have mentioned, glance at your slide when needed, but never read your slide.

Communicate with your audience and build a relationship with them by maintaining middle contact.

Keep the focus on your bulletin, not your slides.

This takes exercise but is essential to proceed your audition engaged and found a rapport with them.

Earlier you showtime speaking, look at your audience and establish eye contact with several audition members. Every bit you are speaking, maintain eye contact with one person for iii to v seconds instead of letting your optics dart around the room.

Exist sure to await at all audience members too. Focus your eyes on the left, right, middle, front, and dorsum of the room. This will help all participants know they are important and included in your presentation.

24. Pause

Avoid rushing your talk or your PowerPoint presentation. No 1 wants to exist lectured or talked to. They want to feel as though they are having a chat as much as possible.

Using a deliberate suspension between slides, bullet points in a slide, or your talk, in general, helps capture the attention of your audience.

It also allows your message sink in and gives them more fourth dimension to think about what you've said. A break gives your audience time to read your slide and process it.

Taking time to pause calms your nerves and helps your audience relate to you.

Use a pause to provide emphasis to a signal you lot are making, similar a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence does.

Information technology is especially important to pause when you are transitioning from one topic or slide to another. Information technology helps the audience transition in their minds every bit well.

25. Do, Practice, Do

Preparation is the key to giving an constructive presentation. About 35% of people giving a presentation practice it for at least an 60 minutes.  Another 44% spend anywhere from three to eight hours practicing their presentation to make sure it is polished and they are prepared .

To effectively practice your PowerPoint presentation, write a complete outline of your talk in bullet signal detail. Don't write it word for word, simply write it out as bullet points.

Next, dictate your talk into a vocalisation recorder or prison cell phone, and so listen to it. Information technology'south amazing how much unlike it sounds when you hear your own voice.

You'll see ways that you could have presented information technology differently. Sometimes merely changing the order of points increases their bear upon.

Practicing your presentation helps you increase confidence and lower anxiety, minimize nervousness, or overcome your fear of public speaking .

Appoint Your Audience With These PowerPoint Presentation Ideas

With these 25 PowerPoint presentation ideas, y'all can make creative presentations that are engaging, aid you run across the goal of your presentation, and benefit the lives of your audience members.

For more virtual public speaking tips , download my free guide that will aid yous build a strong online presence also as motivate and inspire others.



25 Engaging PowerPoint Presentation Ideas | Brian Tracy

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25 Engaging PowerPoint Presentation Ideas | Brian Tracy


If you're ready to level-upwardly your next talk, try one (or a few) of these 25 PowerPoint presentation ideas and examples to obsess your audience!


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About Brian Tracy — Brian is recognized as the tiptop sales grooming and personal success authorization in the world today. He has authored more sixty books and has produced more than than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement. Brian'south goal is to help you achieve your personal and business concern goals faster and easier than you lot ever imagined. Yous tin follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin and Youtube.


How to Make a Good 5 Minute Powerpoint Presentation TUTORIAL

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